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How do I choose the correct replacement filter for my water ionizer?

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Choosing the correct filter for your water ionizer, and for your specific tap water type, can be a confusing task to many.  This article will attempt to clear up some of that confusion to help you make a better, more informed decision. has created the water ionizer Filter Assistant to help identify which filters will fit your specific machine, but some results offer multiple filter choices.

The first thing you need to know when choosing the correct filter is to determine whether your water is city/municipally supplied, or whether you have "well water" (from your own private well).  City water is almost always treated with chlorine/chloramines and other chemicals, while very few people add these types of treatment chemicals to their own water well. 

The second factor is whether your ionizer is a single filter or a dual filter unit. Dual filter ionizers can include different combinations of filters, satisfying more filtration needs. 

Another important thing to know is whether your municipally-supplied tap water is fluoridated or not.  For the newer dual-filter systems, you can now get an internal fluoride filter as a stage 1 option, whereas older units and single filter ionizers must use an external fluoride pre-filter in order to remove fluoride.

Let's break down the choices by looking at the each of the specific water ionizer models for each brand, the specific water situation and the filters that you should get for that situation.

AlkaViva Water Ionizers  (filters sold here)

Vesta GL-988 (dual filter)

Athena JS-205 (dual filter)

H2 Series including Melody II, Athena H2 and Vesta H2 (All dual filter units)
All three of the H2 series units utilize the same three filter choices: the Primary (Prefilter) Filter, Secondary Filter and/or the Hollow Fiber UF Filter.

Ultra-Delphi IO400U, Melody JP104 and Venus JP-107  (All single filter units)

Other Jupiter Science Water Ionizers  (filters sold here)

AMWater Actify AK-8000, Alkal-Life 3000SL, Aquarius JP-108, Delphi IO400U, Mavello JP-101, Microlite JP-107, Miracle JP-102, Neptune JP-101, Orion JP-109, Regency X and Regency Elite
(All single filter units)

AlkaBlue DX, LX and VF (All single filter units)
There are only two filters to choose from for the AlkaBlue machines, either the .01M Ultra Filter or the .1M Regular FilterFor water with Higher treatment levels, the R.O. System For Water Ionizers is recommended.

Nexus X-Blue, U-Blue and Smart (All single filter units)
There are only two filters to choose from for the Nexus machines, either the .01M Ultra Filter or the .1M Regular FilterFor water with Higher treatment levels, the R.O. System For Water Ionizers is recommended.

Aquatonic, Masterpiece JA-701, Midas, Regency II, Technos JM-901 and Ultra-Technos JT-802 (All single filter units)
There is only one filter to choose from for these machines. For water with Higher treatment levels, the R.O. System For Water Ionizers is recommended.

AlkaZone Water Ionizers  (filters sold here)

BHL-2100  (single filter)
There is only one filter to choose from for this machine. For water with Higher treatment levels, the R.O. System For Water Ionizers is recommended.

BHL-3100  (single filter)
There is only one filter to choose from for this machine. For water with Higher treatment levels, the R.O. System For Water Ionizers is recommended.

BHL-4200  (dual filter)

Chanson USA Water Ionizers  (filters sold here)

Revolution PL-A905, VS-70, Miracle M.A.X. PL-A705, Miracle PL-B702 and Violet PL502 
(All single filter units)

The Chanson PJ-6000 Filter is the only filter to choose from for all of the Chanson machines. For water with Higher treatment levels, the Chanson C3 Pre-Filtration System is recommended.

If you have any other questions about your replacement filters that are not covered in this article,\nyou can certainly give us a call at (877) 356-2508.  We're happy to help!