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Degenerative arthritis See Osteoarthritis.
Degenerative joint disease See Osteoarthritis.
Dehydroepiandrosterone A hormone secreted by the adrenal gland. Elevating levels of DHEA with supplements has been shown to improve overall health and well-being, with marked improvements in conditions such as fatigue, autoimmune disease, heart disease, diabetes and immune weakness. It also slows the aging process.
Depo-Provera The brand name for a form of female injected birth control. Depo-Provera is a hormone much like the progesterone a woman produces during the last two weeks of each monthly cycle. It stops egg release and provides other contraceptive effects.
Depression A mood disorder that occurs in various degrees. Usually all types include demoralization; many people experience sadness and hopelessness, poor appetite and weight loss, insomnia, feeling worthless and guilty, and inability to concentrate. Mainstream physicians treat depression with psychotherapy and drugs; complementary doctors tend to rely on nutrients and dietary intervention.
Detoxification The conversion of toxic chemicals to harmless chemicals by the liver.
Dextrose A simple sugar obtained from sugar beets or sugar cane.
DHA The acronym for Docosahexanoic acid.
DHEA The acronym for Dehydroepiandrosterone.
Diabetes A disorder characterized by high fasting blood sugar levels (126 mg/dL and higher) and the inability of the body to transport glucose to cells. See type I diabetes and type II diabetes.
Diastolic blood pressure The point of least blood pressure, when the heart dilates between each heartbeat. It is the lower number in a blood pressure reading, expressed as the bottom part, or denominator, of the fraction. When you say your blood pressure is 110 over 70, 70 is the diastolic blood pressure.
Dietary cholesterol Chemically, a compound composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms arranged in rings. It is found only in animal foods such as meat, eggs and dairy products, as well as shellfish. In the body, dietary cholesterol serves as a structural component of cell membranes and contributes to other functions. It had a bad rap for giving people high serum (blood) cholesterol levels until researchers determined that the liver contributes much more cholesterol to the body's total count than does diet.
Dietary fiber Plant cell walls and other non-nutritive residues that are not digested are generally called dietary fiber. Fibers include cellulose, pectins, gums, lignans, cutins and tannins.
Digestion The process of breaking down food particles into molecules small enough to be absorbed by cells.
Disaccharides Sugars composed of pairs of monosaccharides such as sucrose, lactose and maltose.
Diuretic Any process or factor that increase urine output. Diuretic drugs are prescribed for the treatment of edema (the accumulation of excess fluids in the tissues of the body), which may be the result of underlying disease of the kidneys, liver, lungs or heart (e.g., congestive heart failure). Fluid retention can also be the result of sodium retention from a high-salt diet, excessive insulin production, hormone imbalances or food allergies. Diuretics are also used to treat high blood pressure and glaucoma. They act on the kidneys, modifying the absorption and excretion of water and electrolytes such as sodium and potassium.
Diverticulitis A condition characterized by small pouches formed in the wall of the large intestine resulting from pressure within the colon. Symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, fever and frequent urination. If early symptoms are ignored, perforation of the colon and peritonitis can occur. Consuming adequate amounts of fiber to ensure bowel regularity is the best prescription against developing diverticulitis.
Docosahexanoic acid An essential Omega-3 fatty acid found in fish oil, flaxseed oil, walnut oil and other nuts and seeds. It helps keep blood platelets from clumping, preventing the formation of clots that cause heart attacks. DHA has been coined the "brain fat" because it is responsible for brain and eye development in infants.